Corporate Tax Rates Plummet, CEO Pay Skyrockets points out: 

Billion dollar corporations are taking advantage of loopholes to pay tax rates far below the statutory corporate rate of 21%, and even lower than the 13.6% rate that the average American household paid in a recent year.

Just look at this chart, which shows how corporate tax rates have plummeted over the last 70 years:

The last 45 years, CEO pay has soared 1,209% compared to just a 15% increase for the average worker.

One Comment Add yours

  1. James McRitchie says:

    I’m shocked… over and over again. Soon I’ll be dead. When will Congress act? When will the American people be as concerned about this as they are about a football game or the next blockbuster movie? Corporate responsibility is too far down in most people’s list of priorities.


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